WITHOUT LIMITING ANY OF THE FOREGOING, IN NO EVENT WHATSOEVER SHALL S&P DOW JONES INDICES OR TSX INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF PROFITS, TRADING LOSSES, LOST TIME OR GOODWILL, EVEN IF THEY HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE. Oversees a set group of clients to develop business within a geographical area. It is important that you read and understand these Terms. S&P Dow Jones Indices has no obligation to take the needs of TDAM or the owners of the Fund into consideration in determining, composing or calculating the Dow Jones Industrial Average. We appoint you as our agent to create and submit Images that you wish to deposit with TD through TD Mobile Deposit. For a more detailed overview of our complaint handling process, please visit us at www.tdautofinance.ca. a aa aaa aaaa aaacn aaah aaai aaas aab aabb aac aacc aace aachen aacom aacs aacsb aad aadvantage aae aaf aafp aag aah aai ⦠You agree that TD retains all right, title and interest in and to TD Mobile Deposit including copies and portions of it. If you provide inaccurate information, it can interfere with, delay, or prevent the Money Transfer completion, including the funds being deposited with someone else other than the Recipient. The S&P 500 Index is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC or its affiliates (“SPDJI”) and has been licensed for use by The Toronto-Dominion Bank. The words “we”, “us”, “our”, and “TD Bank” mean The Toronto-Dominion Bank and its affiliates in Canada. Once you sign up and register for TD MySpend, you will automatically begin receiving Notifications (unless you refuse to grant permission to the operating system of your mobile device). TD Canada Trust You agree not to use TD Global Transfer to conduct any improper, illegal, possible fraudulent or unauthorized activity. You may not use TD For Me for any purpose that is illegal, fraudulent or infringes another person's rights. If you have selected a term and rate of your choosing in a calculation you acknowledge that the rate and any resulting periodic payment may not be available to you from the dealership or TD. Important information about the pooled funds is contained in their respective offering circular, which we encourage you to read before investing. The Data will be processed by the App to create individual driving scores that reflect your driving habits. By clicking the “I agree” button or by using the App, you are taken to have read and agreed to these Terms. You must not rent, lease, lend, sell, redistribute or sublicense the TD Companion App. Products and services of TDAM are only offered in jurisdictions where they may be lawfully offered for sale. The Toronto-Dominion Bank, a Canadian chartered bank with a London branch office at 60 Threadneedle Street, London, EC2R 8AP, United Kingdom is authorised and regulated by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, authorised in the United Kingdom by the Prudential Regulation Authority and subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority. You further agree to comply with any requirements, restrictions or limitations provided by a third party (including the app store provider, your mobile device provider or your wireless services carrier) relating to your use of TD Wheels App. This information is stored within your device and may be deleted by uninstalling the TD Wheels App from your device. Your continued use of the TD Wheels App following such notice means that you agree to the Terms as amended. 4.1 Are there limits to the liability of TD or other parties? By using TD Mobile Deposit on your mobile device, it is possible that the warranties covering your mobile device are voided, that your mobile device may be damaged, that data stored in your mobile device may be corrupted, and that you or your property may be damaged. if your mobile device is an Android, you must install on your device Google Play Services and install the latest version of the application when an update becomes available; you must have a data plan with your current mobile carrier for the applicable mobile device (the App may use some of your phone's data capacity); you have provided a valid email address; and. The date that you or the Named Insured notifies us of intent not to participate in the Program will be the effective date of termination. Previously, both Jarislowsky Fraser Limited and TDAM were portfolio advisers for the fund. A conversion to one of these purchase options will only be permitted if the Securities of the Fund you are converting from are held in the same purchase option. You agree that to the extent not prohibited by law, in no event will TD and its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents and subcontractors be liable for any damages (including incidental, special, indirect, consequential or punitive damages, damages for loss of profits, revenue, opportunity, loss of data or business interruption), arising out of or related to your use or inability to use TD Mobile Deposit. We encourage you to visit the FAQ for more information on how to change your operating system settings. You further agree to comply with any requirements, restrictions or limitations provided by a third party (including the app store provider, your mobile device provider or your wireless services carrier) relating to your use of the TD Companion App. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, attempt to derive the source code of, modify, or create derivative works of, TD Mobile Deposit or any part of it. Canada permits GIC wealth to grow tax-free, if the investments are registered. 27. The Toronto-Dominion Bank Unless your Enrollment Date is less than 120 days from the date the Policy renewal documents are processed by TDI, the initial discount will be removed at the first Policy renewal date following your Enrollment Date. Non-registered GICs do not have limits and are taxable at the end of each year. Tell us about your complaint in the way that is most convenient for you. Please consult your wireless carrier for applicable text messaging fees and data plan rates. Please refer to the specific dealership's privacy notice for information on how they manage your personal information. Please refer to your user manual for instructions. S&P Dow Jones Indices has no obligation or liability in connection with the administration, marketing or offering of the Fund. Please see the FAQ page available in the main menu. All of this information must be legible; Any information you provide us about the Item is accurate and true and will match the information contained in the Images; You will only deposit Items issued by Canadian financial institutions or the Government of Canada; Before you submit the Images through TD Mobile Deposit, you will sign your name and write on the back of the Item "For Deposit Only, Account # ___________________"; You will only use TD Mobile Deposit to deposit Items that are payable to you. If you are not an intended recipient or responsible for delivering the message to an intended recipient, any review, disclosure, conversion to hard copy, dissemination, reproduction or other use of any part of this communication is strictly prohibited, as is the taking or omitting of any action in reliance upon this communication. You must take reasonable steps to safeguard and protect your mobile device and User Information. Commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investments in exchange-traded funds (ETFs). 20. Collection, Use and Sharing of Your Personal Information. In order to use the App, you will be required to accept the modified Terms. keep a lock screen or passcode lock (each a “Device Lock”) on your mobile device at all times; keep your User Information separate from the mobile device; take all reasonable precautions to ensure that no one finds out your User Information, including while you key in User Information on your mobile device; to comply with the Terms described above, as they apply to you; to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information, including your Data as set out in these Terms; to the retention of your personal information, including your Data as set out in these Terms; and. 192 Queen Street You waive your moral rights in the Submissions. TD Wealth Private Banking refers to the products and services offered by The Toronto-Dominion Bank. Shift-tab to return to the tabs. You acknowledge that we may amend the TD Auto Finance Privacy Agreement and our Privacy Code from time to time. TD can terminate this license at any time and with or without any reason. You waive any and all moral rights you may have in the Feedback in favour of us. The Data as identified in Section 3 above will be used to generate a driving score that is used to calculate the appropriate Program discount attributable to you for the next Policy renewal. You authorize TD to debit the Funding Source selected by you during the transaction process for the total amount of the Money Transfer you are sending, and the TD Transfer Fee or the Third-Party Transfer Fee, as applicable. You agree to notify TD at once if you suspect your Device is lost or stolen. In order to use the App, you will be required to accept the modified Terms. By un-installing the TD Wheels App from your device, all information stored locally on the device such as past vehicle selections or trade-in information will be deleted. We will notify you of any additions or changes to these Terms by posting the notice on, For the purposes of the Application, TD Insurance will collect information you provide to us including, but not limited to IP address, geolocation (if enabled on your device), photos you selected in your mobile device photo gallery Photos (if enabled on your device) and other information arising from your use of the Application (collectively called “, From time-to-time, TD Insurance may share information with 3rd party service providers in order to provide specific features within the application. (3) Period from December 15, 2004 (commencement of operations) to January 31, 2021. If you do not agree to these Terms, you must not add, attempt to add, use or keep the Payment Card in the Wallet. Determine if you pre-qualify for financing for the financing requested. You may review and print the most current version of the Terms available by accessing the Terms from https://www.td.com/to-our-customers/. FEES, CHARGES, LIMITS AND FOREIGN CURRENCY. TD Energy Fund merged into TD Resource Fund on April 22, 2016. S&P DOW JONES INDICES SHALL NOT BE SUBJECT TO ANY DAMAGES OR LIABILITY FOR ANY This limitation on our liability to direct damages applies even if we have been advised of the possibility that you may suffer other types of loss or damages. You further agree that you will not use the App for any purpose prohibited under any Law. The English and French language versions of our policies are the only official ones. "Global Money Transfer" means an electronic transfer of funds from you to another person outside of Canada using the Western Union® Money Transfer service; "Recipient" means the person who is intended to receive the funds you send using the Western Union® Money Transfer service; "TD Platform" means the service offered by TD, through TD's Mobile Banking App or EasyWeb Online Banking Service, which connects you to the Western Union® Money Transfer service; "Us/we/our/TD" means The Toronto-Dominion Bank and its affiliates in Canada; "Western Union" means Western Union Financial Services (Canada), Inc., an independent company and not an affiliate or company within TD Bank Group, which provides the Western Union® Money Transfer service in accordance with the Western Union Terms and Conditions; "Western Union® Money Transfer" means the global money transfer service offered by Western Union in accordance with the Western Union Terms and Conditions, and made available to you via the TD Platform; and. TD is not responsible for the Third-Party Transfer Fee and foreign exchange rate provided by the Third-Party Transfer Services Provider. 1904 Hamilton Street These transaction charges are disclosed in TD's disclosure document, About our Accounts and Related Services. The “Dow Jones Industrial Average” is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, or its affiliates (“SPDJI”), and has been licensed for use by TD Asset Management Inc. (“TDAM”). TD Canada Trust TD can terminate this license at any time and with or without any reason. The Data is collected for you for every Trip, whether or not the automobile you are driving is covered under your insurance policy. TD Bank is not responsible for the Wallet Provider or Other Third Parties, and in no event shall such terms and conditions between you and the Wallet Provider or any Other Third Party be binding on TD Bank or impose any additional obligations, or obligations inconsistent with the terms and conditions of these Terms, upon TD Bank whatsoever. You further agree to comply with any requirements, restrictions or limitations provided by a third party (including the app store provider, your mobile device provider or your wireless services carrier) relating to your use of TD For Me. In compliance with the Bank Act Support Orders and Support Provisions (Banks and Authorized Foreign Banks) Regulations and the Trust and You may access TD Mobile Deposit 7 days a week. Feeder: The Feeder Funds are priced monthly in U.S. dollars and reported to clients in Canadian dollars and include working capital held within the Feeder Funds as well as the updated monthly value of the units held in the Master Fund. U.S. persons who wish to transact in securities should contact the nearest office of TD Securities (USA) LLC. As a result of this change, Martin Currie Inc. was removed as the fund's sub-adviser and TD Asset Management Inc. assumed full portfolio management responsibilities of the fund. 1.5 Why is providing accurate information important? Depending on the type of GIC you choose, you may earn a guaranteed rate of return for the term of your investment. You may not use the App for any purpose that is illegal, fraudulent or infringes another person’s rights. Each Participating Driver must meet the requirements set out in Section 4.2 (Eligibility Requirements for Participation) at all times during the Program. For more information, please visit. S4P 3N5, Yukon TDI, AND EACH OF OUR AFFILIATES, GIVE NO REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES, GUARANTEES, OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR COLLATERAL, OR ARISING FROM STATUTE, COURSE OF DEALING, OR USAGE OF TRADE, WITH RESPECT TO THE PERFORMANCE OF YOUR MOBILE PHONE AND THE DATA GENERATED BY YOUR MOBILE PHONE. The provision of information on this website should not be construed as constituting an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction in the European Economic Area (EEA) in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person in the EEA to whom it is unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation. You agree that TD Insurance retains all right, title and interest in and to the Application including copies and portions of it. If you have a problem or concern you may call us toll free at 1-866-222-3456 or visit us at any branch. Acts as primary escalation or resource for Investment Representative and client inquiries. The TD Wheels App and the information, products, or services referenced in the TD Wheels App are intended for use in Canada by Canadian residents only. These TD Platform Terms of Use and Privacy Terms (the "TD Terms of Use" or “Terms”) are a legal agreement between you and The Toronto-Dominion Bank and apply to your use of the TD Platform. Please obtain a copy. TD has no liability to you for the provision by the Third-Party Transfer Services Providers of the Third-Party Transfer Services or for any loss of your funds after they are transferred to the Third-Party Transfer Services Provider (including resulting from any delay, rejection or cancellation or the Third-Party Transfer Services Provider's insolvency). Keep in mind that you may not receive a Notification from TD MySpend for each transaction (please visit our FAQ for more information) and you may not receive Notifications from TD MySpend or responses from Clari if your wireless service carrier or Internet service provider does not provide service in certain geographic areas. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. The Information that you provide will be compared against the Information contained in the consumer credit report we access (called a "soft check") to help confirm your identity. We reserve the right to modify these Terms at any time. 200 Main St. ERRORS, OMISSIONS, OR DELAYS THEREIN. CERTAIN INFORMATION WILL BE DISPLAYED ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE, INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE TD COMPANION APP INCLUDING NOTIFICATIONS, TD AGREEMENTS; TD COMPANION APP SHOULD NOT BE USED AS A MONTHLY STATEMENT, CARE AND CONTROL OF YOUR MOBILE DEVICE, TD COMPANION APP AND USER INFORMATION, INSTALLING AND USING MODIFICATIONS TO THE TD COMPANION APP. You will receive your driving score via the App after each Trip. tax, estate planning), including planning for the orderly and tax effective transfer of assets to their intended beneficiaries. 201 Portage Ave (iii) enabling the Manufacturer, the Dealership, their agents and suppliers to conduct analytics and to better market their products and services, including contacting you with specific offers and promotions which they believe would be of interest to you. Communications with you by electronic means have the same legal effect as if they were provided on paper. S&P Dow Jones Indices has no obligation to take the needs of The Toronto-Dominion Bank or the owners of the Fund into consideration in determining, composing or calculating the S&P 500 Index. An Insured Person's "Enrollment Date" means the date a Named Insured calls TDI and confirms the intended participation of the Insured Persons in the Program. NEITHER S&P DOW JONES INDICES NOR TSX INC. Interac and the Interac logo are Trade-Marks of Interac Inc., TD Canada Trust, authorized user of the Trade-Marks. TD ETFs are managed by TD Asset Management Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. S&P Dow Jones Indices has no obligation or liability in connection with the administration, marketing or offering of the Fund. We are not responsible for Images that we do not receive and TD may recover applicable funds from you or reverse the credit made to your account. 22. Newfoundland The Data as identified in Section 3 above will be used to generate a driving score that is used to calculate the appropriate Program discount attributable to you if you were to enroll in the Program as a TDI client. You may turn off Notifications at any time by adjusting the settings in the operating system of your Device. TDAF may change, extend or terminate available financing at any time without notice. 19. THE FUND IS NOT SPONSORED, ENDORSED, SOLD OR PROMOTED BY MSCI INC. (“MSCI”), ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES, ANY OF ITS INFORMATION PROVIDERS OR ANY OTHER THIRD PARTY INVOLVED IN, OR RELATED TO, COMPILING, COMPUTING OR CREATING ANY MSCI INDEX (COLLECTIVELY, THE “MSCI PARTIES”). Effective July 31, 2013, Epoch Investment Partners, Inc. became the portfolio adviser for the Epoch Global Shareholder Yield Fund (formerly TD Global Dividend Fund). THE MSCI INDEXES ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF MSCI. Graphs and charts are used for illustrative purposes only and do not reflect future values or future performance of any investment. You confirm that you have the authority to provide such consent and acknowledgements on behalf of the Recipient. The price and other terms of any sale, including actual purchase financing and the value of your trade-in, remain subject to direct negotiation between you and the dealership. The TD International Equity Index ETF (“TD ETF”) is not sponsored, promoted, sold or supported in any other manner by Solactive AG nor does Solactive AG offer any express or implicit guarantee or assurance either with regard to the results of using the Solactive GBS Developed Markets ex North America Large & Mid Cap CAD Index (CA NTR) (the “Index”) and/or any trade mark(s) associated with the Index or the price of the Index at any time or in any other respect. During the term of your loan (and for a period of two (2) years thereafter), we may also share Information with the Manufacturer, the Dealership, or any third party dealer you may subsequently have dealings with for trade-in purposes, their agents and suppliers (including a copy of any credit pre-qualification application, all of the terms, conditions and status of your loan with us, such as amounts financed and owing, interest rate, whether your loan is in good standing, and whether your loan has been fully or partially repaid, vehicle information, and your contact information) for the purposes of: (i) administering loan programs including end of term options available to you; (ii) facilitating the trade-in of your vehicle with our consent; or. TD may impose limits on this service and may modify those limits with or without notice to you. WITHOUT LIMITING ANY OF THE FOREGOING, IN NO EVENT SHALL ANY OF THE MSCI PARTIES HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) EVEN IF NOTIFIED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. WE DO NOT GUARANTEE THAT THE TD WHEELS APP OR ITS PRODUCTS OR SERVICES WILL BE CONTINUOUSLY AVAILABLE OR THAT THEY WILL BE FREE OF ERRORS, VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS. Your Data may be transferred to a third party for processing purposes in order to complete the analysis of your Data. Such expectations and projections may be incorrect in the future. 14. By clicking the "I agree" button in the TD MyAdvantage™ Mobile Application (the "App"), you will activate the App and will be deemed to have read and agreed to these Terms and to be bound by them. 525 rue Viger Ouest, 1e étage If the portfolio adviser change had been in effect prior to this date, the funds’ performance could have been materially different. We may suspend, cancel or block your access to, or use of, the App at our sole discretion, to the extent permitted by law, without liability to you. It is your responsibility to determine if your Mobile Device provider, wireless services carrier or Internet service provider supports TD Mobile Deposit or if your Mobile Device is capable of accessing the Internet. Meloche Monnex Insurance and Financial Services Inc. Past performance may not be repeated. TD For Me is licensed, not sold, to you. S&P DOW JONES INDICES MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE OR AS TO RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED BY TDAM, OWNERS OF THE FUND, OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FROM THE USE OF THE DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE OR WITH RESPECT TO ANY DATA RELATED THERETO. keep your User Information separate from the Mobile Device; keep your User Information strictly confidential and not share it with anyone; take all reasonable precautions to ensure that no one finds out your User Information, including while you key in User Information on your Mobile Device; avoid User Information and Device Locks that may be easily determined by others, such as birthdays, phone numbers, age, social insurance number, etc. The platform should provide the latest information available. 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